The Results Are In! SpringFour Users Report Exciting Outcomes

The Results Are In! SpringFour Users Report Exciting Outcomes
At SpringFour we value what our users think. That’s why we reach out each year to hear from our users and understand their experiences with SpringFour. This allows us to gain feedback on our applications, find out what is working best, hear what new enhancements are most appealing, and where we can improve. We view all of our subscribers as true partners, and understanding what individual users think about our products allows us to provide the best service possible.
Coming off of a tremendous year, and a decade of growth and accomplishment, we were excited to see what our users were experiencing. The results of our 2019 survey are in and we gleaned some great insight:
– 98% of users agree that SpringFour helps them to provide better customer experiences.
– 95% of users agree that SpringFour helps their customers reduce monthly expenses.
– 90% of users believe customers feel more positive about their company after being offered SpringFour.
– 95% of users agree that using SpringFour helps them feel better about the work they are doing
These stats confirm for us that SpringFour is assisting our users in providing tangible, vetted, local resources to their customers and clients, helping them get on the path to financial health. As Charmain Welsh from InCharge Debt Solutions stated, “Spring Four makes me feel great about my job, knowing I can provide resources to my client to help reduce stress and cut back on monthly spending to increase cash flow.”
We also gained some great insight into how our new Tip Sheets for Saving Money are being accessed by our users, and with over 13% of our users not knowing about the Tip Sheets, we’ll be planning some targeted outreach to raise awareness. We also learned that over 74% of SpringFour users access the SpringFour platform every day.
“It’s an extremely good tool, being on the collections division can be very difficult and sometimes frustrating, and with SpringFour I can take a breath of fresh air and help the customers in a direct way, the gratitude they show is something amazing, I´m really happy that this company provides SpringFour to our customers.” – Sebastian Godinez, Oportun
The results confirm that SpringFour is helping consumers get through a difficult financial period and improving the overall customer experience. We collected numerous fantastic impact stories from users such as:
“A customer I was speaking with had lost employment and was now struggling with their cost of living and paying back their loan. I provided SpringFour referrals, and the customer was able to access Catholic Charities and a debt management resource to receive help. The customer is now able to stay on track and not have to choose what bills to pay or how to budget.” – Lanita Crawford, OppLoans
To understand that SpringFour is also empowering our users to make their jobs easier and provide better customer service tells us we are on the right path.
Thank you to those users who took the time to complete the survey, and for continuing to share your experiences with us. We’re excited about the coming year and working with you to increase financial health opportunities. If you have any additional feedback or great customer stories, please reach out to us, we’d love to hear from you.
Katie Gottschall Donohue
Vice President, Strategy and Customer Engagement, SpringFour
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