What our Partners are Saying

What our Partners are Saying

What our Partners are Saying



At SpringFour, our clients are our partners. And we think these testimonials provide the proof.

We continue to engage with our partners long after the agreement is signed. It’s not enough for our team at SpringFour to add a new client. We remain engaged, listen, and respond so that our partners have the best possible experience with our applications, whether it’s S4pro or S4direct. Our end goal is to create impact both for the end consumer who is looking to achieve better financial health and for our partners who want to assist their customers and see the impact S4 has on their repayment rates, their brand, and customer experience. And last but not least, the effect SpringFour has on their employees using our customer service focused tools.  

We’ve been told by countless partners that SpringFour is a win-win for all.

Don’t take our word for it. Read our testimonials to see what our partners are saying.

Rochelle Nawrocki Gorey

Co-Founder & CEO, SpringFour Inc.

Awards and Recognition










Chicago Office at 1871
222 Merchandise Mart Plaza



LendIt Fintech Industry Awards Finalist

LendIt Fintech Industry Awards Finalist

LendIt Fintech Industry Awards Finalist



We are thrilled to announce that we have been named a Finalist for the Most Promising Partnership Award at the LendIt Fintech Industry Awards,  along with BMO Harris Bank for our partnership.  The LendIt Fintech conference is the world’s leading event in financial services innovation, and the awards bring together 400 Fintech influencers and innovators to celebrate outstanding achievements. We can’t wait to attend.

We greatly value our partnership with BMO Harris Bank and the work we are doing together to increase financial wellness opportunities Our partnership began in 2017 when we were selected to participate in the BMO Harris/1871 Fintech Partnership Program, were then selected as one of the winners, and ultimately launched an official partnership in August of 2018.  Since that time, we continue to make great strides working together to improve the financial lives of BMO Harris customers.

Let us know if you will be at the LendIt conference on April 8th & 9th as we welcome the opportunity to meet with you.

Rochelle Nawrocki Gorey

Co-Founder & CEO, SpringFour Inc.

Awards and Recognition










Chicago Office at 1871
222 Merchandise Mart Plaza

