4th Annual Women Entrepreneur Panel on Risk in Entrepreneurship – Real and Perceived
Rochelle shared the stage with Moderator Linda Darragh, Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurial Practice at Kellogg, Jennifer Fried, CEO and Co-Founder of Explorer Surgical, and Dana Wright, Managing Director of MATH Venture Partners. Each woman shared their insight on their perceptions of risk and how it impacts the management of their business. Lots of great stories were shared and insight gained with an engaging Q&A session with the audience of Kellogg alumni and BMO employees and clients. It was an inspiring evening, and Rochelle was delighted to be a part of it. The event was made even more memorable as Rochelle’s two daughters were in the audience to hear their Mom and the other entrepreneurial women share their stories.
Rochelle and her daughters at the event.

Katie Gottschall Donohue
Vice President, Strategy and Customer Engagement, SpringFour
Awards and Recognition