COVID-19 Impact Report Executive Summary

Aug 12, 2020

Back to Basics: Providing Resources to Struggling Families

COVID-19 has led to unprecedented levels of unemployment and upsurges in payment delinquencies for households all over the country. May marked the largest one month increase in mortgage delinquencies in history. A third (33%) of Americans have lost income because of COVID-19. An estimated 5.4 million Americans have lost health insurance as a result of job loss during the COVID-19 pandemic. These trends reveal that the safety net in the US is precarious, and families are often one small shock away from financial insecurity or peril. 

SpringFour is in a unique position to help address these issues, as its mission and business model has always been to partner with financial institutions and others to provide specific, local resources to families who need financial assistance. To this end, in late July, SpringFour issued a report of findings related to trends in resource need following the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a matter of weeks following the onset of the pandemic, SpringFour added 3,000+ COVID- specific resources in: Food Assistance; Financial Assistance; COVID-related health resources. SpringFour finds that families are looking for referrals to cover basic needs in light of the pandemic. In Q2 2020, these three new categories accounted for nearly half of all referrals (44%). Employment Services was the third-highest category of need in May 2020. Families are also struggling to pay for basic services such as heating and utility bills – the fourth-highest referral category.

And demand for these resources is exploding. SpringFour has seen a fourfold increase in referrals in Q2 this year versus Q2 of 2019. SpringFour provided nearly 1 million referrals to families in need in Q2 2020 alone, compared to 1.1 million referrals in the year 2019 as a whole. In the first half of 2020, SpringFour has provided over 1.6 million referrals.

Impact of COVID-19 on Referral Demand by Quarter

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts are likely to reverberate throughout the economy and our culture for years to come. But just because the world has changed doesn’t mean that we can’t work together to make people’s lives better. In fact, innovative partnerships are our best bet for lifting up families and businesses during COVID-19 and beyond.

“If something good is to come from this, it’s that companies now understand that most people are just a day away from a financial emergency, and that providing help and assistance is not only the right thing to do — it’s good for business.”


– CEO & Co-Founder of SpringFour, Rochelle Nawrocki Gorey

For more information on this report of SpringFour’s research and insights, contact Katy Jacob at

Read the full COVID-19 Impact Report here.

Katy Jacob

VP of Research & Impact, SpringFour

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