A Look Back – A Decade of Impact and an Outstanding 2019

Jan 23, 2020

It is that time of year again when people carve out the time to take a look back at the last year, to reflect and assess accomplishments, to ask ourselves what went well and where can we improve and grow. It is something that we do each year at SpringFour. 

It’s amazing how creating the time and space to look back provides the fuel to propel forward momentum. I can’t wait to see what this year brings. While many are looking back at 2019, we are looking back at an entire decade of growth, impact, and momentum

And what a decade it was!  We are proud of our ten plus years of impact.

I hope you will take the time to check out the infographic we put together that highlights our achievements over the last decade. Let’s pause here and consider the significance of just that– for an entire decade (and more!), our team has been dedicated to providing the best in class solutions for financial health and for helping our subscribers increase repayment rates while also improving employee and customer experience.  We have accomplished so much while maintaining the same mission since we were founded!

And in doing so, we received accolades, surpassed many milestones and achieved the trust and respect of our clients. We have built partnerships that we value immensely. None of this comes easily or quickly. But more than any of this, I am most proud of the team we have built who have dedicated their professional lives to ensuring that those who experience financial challenges are treated with respect and are able to get the resources they need to help them see greater financial stability. We are helping many people do exactly that and are creating the impact we had intended from day one.

Onward and upward,


Rochelle Nawrocki Gorey

Co-Founder & CEO, SpringFour

Awards and Recognition










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222 Merchandise Mart Plaza

